Universität Hamburg
As one of northern Europe’s largest research and educational institutions, Universität Hamburg combines a diverse curriculum with excellent research. Its broad range of subjects includes a multitude of interdisciplinary research areas and it boasts an extensive network of top cooperation partners on regional, national, and international levels. It has achieved extraordinary success in the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments, a competition for top-level university research funding in Germany: four clusters of excellence were granted funding, and Universität Hamburg was granted the status of a University of Excellence for its role as a flagship university.

The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN) of the Universität Hamburg is very strong in research, which is reflected in three clusters of excellence. Through the research focus "Infection Research and Structural Biology", the research oft InterACt is located in the MIN Faculty, specifically in the Departments of Biology, Chemistry und Physics and in the ZBH - Centre for Bioinformatics.