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DS4S - Data Science for Science

Wednesday, 20.7.2022 - 2 pm

Dr. Gemma Douilhet will speak about her research

We, the graduate school Data Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter (DASHH), the Leibniz ScienceCampus InterACt (LSC InterACt) and the Center for Data and Computing in Natural Sciences (CDCS) are currently organizing a new series of networking events entitled Data Science for Science (DS4S) to enable exchange and networking across disciplines covered in the metropolitan region Hamburg. Therefore, we invite all interested researchers to join the biweekly events which are scheduled on Wednesdays at 4 pm.

Researchers from all partner institutions are invited to present different aspects of (envisioned) data science research and the corresponding application fields. The new series is an extension of our former Hamburg COVID-19 Series, which received a lot of attention and positive feedback, although having a much broader scope now.

The next lecture will be presented by Dr. Gemma Douilhet (Postgraduate Researcher on Infection and Immunology, University of Southampton, UK) on July 20th, 2022 at 2 pm. In her talk, she will introduce recent data science challenges in the field of systems biology. The title of the presentation is "Programming immune responses in the skin: networks, switches and codes".

Skin is the largest organ of the body, and a major site for allergic disease, such as atopic dermatitis. Being regularly exposed to a multitude of external allergens, the epidermal environment needs to react quickly to incoming threats, and as such plays an important role in both the innate and adaptive immune response to allergens. These allergic responses are the culmination of a series of pathways, networks and switches which initiate and direct immune regulation within the skin. By utilising computational models to depict these signalling cascades, we can begin to examine skin immune regulation at multiple levels, identifying key pathway components to generate hypotheses which can guide targeted experiments into the programming of allergic response. The Systems Immunology Group at the University of Southampton aims to decode the immune pathways leading to allergic responses in the skin using a range of in silico modelling approaches alongside experimental data from clinical samples. This talk will outline some of our key work and discuss how utilising a multi-discipline systems biology approach to investigating immune networks can aid experimental design and provide insights into the dynamics of allergic responses.

We are looking forward to further discussions after the talk with some snacks and drinks. Please register by July 18rd, 2022 if you want to join:

If you want to contribute to this series and looking for collaborations with researchers from Hamburg concerning a specific method or application field, feel free to contact us via the contact button.

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We are especially grateful for the support of this series by the Joachim Herz Foundation.